Our Classes
We offer after school classes to boys and girls from the age of four upwards, with many gymnasts staying on throughout post primary years. Classes are generally structured according to the child’s ability although we try to keep friends together to maximise their enjoyment. Classes are 45 minutes- 1 hour long and consist of a variety of gymnastic disciplines including floor, Airtrack, vault, beam, bars, trampette, rhythmic gymnastics, sports acrobatics and games.
Each class will participate in the Bounce Gymnastics Award programme with in class assessments taking place in each club towards the end of the year. All gymnasts will receive a medal on completion of the required skills. Senior classes will take part in a friendly competition against member clubs or other recreational clubs during the year. This is purely for fun and enjoyment and a chance for the gymnasts to showcase their skills.
Displays are usually held in term two or three and can take the form of club events or individual class events. Parents and friends are invited along to see the gymnasts’ progress and enjoy an array of demonstrations on apparatus and floor.